May 27, 2020

Ala-Too International University (AIU) New Technologies Faculty, Department of Electronics and Nanoelectronics organized 2nd robot competition under the title of “Line Follower Robot” on 2nd February 2017. Previous competition was “Obstacle avoidance Robot competition” in April 2016. This year’s opening speech was delivered by Dr. Bedelbai Mamadiev (Dean of New Technologies Faculty) motivating the participants to continue their journey in the field of robotics and electronics from this kind of competitions. Later on, an informative speech was provided by Shabdanbek Kasymov (Robotics instructor at AIU) encouraging students to take part in such contests to build up their confidence and interest.
There were total 17 teams from New technologies faculty students of AIU, Kyrgyz National University named after Jusup Balasagyn and Cambridge International School. Among 17 teams almost 80% of the robots completed 1st round tasks and were credited to 2nd round.
2nd round:
In the 2nd round the challenge was to make a robot that can move on black lines on a white background and reach the finish as soon as possible. The competition area had a special place defined for the robot’s operation. The ROBOTS which started on the START Line and reached the FINISH Line by following the black lines in the shortest time were nominated as winners.
1. This year’s winner Nurbek Berdibekov junior(3rd course) student from Electronics department AIU, honored with 15000 Soms, whose autonomous car reached destination in 13 seconds.
2. Second place winner Alikhan Ydirisov sophomore(2nd course) student of Electronics department AIU, honored with 10000 soms, destination was completed in 17 seconds
3. Third place winner went to Adilet ____junior student of Electronics department honored with 5000 soms, Adilet’s car prototype accomplished distance in 19 seconds.
Team from Kyrgyz National University was awarded with special gifts for their best struggles.
All team members were certified for their participations.
Generally Line-following robots can be used in many different industries. Manufacturing facilities such as Boeing, Toyota, and Ford use them to regulate and control product lines. Other applications include delivering medical equipment and supplies in the health care system, or warehouse stocking and shipping transportation. A line-following robot is an autonomous capable of following a line with relative position. Traditionally line-following robots include a light sensor array, a microcontroller (e.g. Arduino, Raspberry Pi), a motor, a power source, and a motor controller or shield. The sensors detect infrared light, or more specifically, changes in the contrast of reflectance. This information is then processed by a microcontroller which in turn implements a desired action. The microcontroller processes the data and sends a signal to a motor control. The motor controllers allow control over the speeds, positions, and supply voltage to the various motors